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Fast Loans and the Fastest Ways to Repay Them

When you need cold cash now, fast loans can be your best bet. Fast loans are quick and easy to obtain. Lenders can process loan applications within 24 hours meaning you can have your funds in your account overnight.

Whilst fast loans may be your saving grace, how can you repay your loan back quickly?

Here are some tips for paying back your loan faster

1. Pay more

If you can afford it, put in larger payments each month to pay off the principal more quickly. For example, $2500 fast loan with 6.8 % interest with a 10-year payback period would cost $28.8 a month. Making $70 payment on a monthly basis instead of $28.8 enables you to repay the fast loan in just over 36 months. By paying the principal more quickly, you will also pay for less on interest.

2. Make additional payments

The less you owe, the less interest that you will be charged. If you are able to budget effectively; you may be able to make additional payments to your fast loan.

3. Create a plan to pare your fast loans

Know exactly when your fast loans will end. Next, create a goal to pay it off within a specific period of time, commit to it and pay it according to the repayment plan. Make it a routine to pay it off monthly. If you’re facing difficulty in coming up with the monthly payments, create a budget and cut back on your expenses. This way, you can lift your debt obligations off your shoulder faster than ever.

4. Automate savings

Automatically transferring money into alternative accounts is a great way of saving that extra cash. Rather than spending money on trivial things such as movie tickets, or that unhealthy meal; automatic payments can help you set aside that extra cash to pay off your debt.  Make sure that you will only use that account for paying back your fast loans and other types of debt. This will require sacrifice in certain areas, but it will ensure that you are one step closer towards financial freedom.

With the growing wave of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin; some experts have suggested investing your extra savings into crypto. This is an extremely volatile and unpredictable form of investment that we do not recommend. Many experts compare cryptocurrency as a form of gambling. Whilst, it may seem as though there are immediate increases in profits; you may lose all your hard-earned savings in a second.

Hide your credit card in a safe place

Don’t be a victim of credit card theft. With easy access to your credit cards via pay pass; strangers who have access to a lost credit card can easily tap on purchases less than $100. Keep your credit card securely in your wallet. If you lend your card to friends or family, make sure you keep track of any transactions online.

Keep your phone in your pocket. 

The same rule applies to your mobile phone. With the rise of Apple Pay, you can purchase your transactions through your mobile phone. Make sure that you keep your phone locked with a passcode so that strangers cannot make any payments without facial recognition or a passcode.

5. Close some credit cards

Having them on your wallet may tempt you to spend more. Leave only the low-interest credit cards for your urgent needs.

6. Consolidate your debts

One of the best ways of ensuring that you continue to pay off your loan quickly is to consolidate your debts into one neat and tidy bundle. This will also protect you against the rising interest rates across different loans. This will benefit you in the long run; whilst making it easier to manage your debts.

7. Be proactive by increasing your income

Earning cash while dealing with your debts is a good way to stay proactive about overcoming debts. You don’t only generate wealth to pay for your loans; you also build your nest egg. If you can put away $100 every month out of your income, that would be $1,200 annual savings.

At the Australian Lending Centre, we can help you avail of our easy-to-pay fast loans and our debt management plans. We can help you strengthen your ability to repay your loans and live a financially secure life. It takes discipline and planning, but you can surely do it.

Contact Australian Lending Centre to get back on track. 

Debt Consolidation

Tips on How to Qualify for a Debt Consolidation Loan

If your credit score does not meet the minimum requirement of the bank, and you don’t have a regular income and you are spending more than 40% of your income on debt repayments, you may not qualify for a debt consolidation loan. Banks often reject applications of those with unstable income and negative credit entries on their credit report, unless they have sufficient security for the loan. Learn how to qualify for a debt consolidation loans when you have bad credit.

Check your credit history:

If you want to get a cheaper consolidation loan, you need to prepare your credit file. Though bad credit holders can still obtain affordable loans, it is advisable to know what’s inside your credit file. For all you know, you are just having a bad credit score because of wrong and inaccurate entries. It will also give you time to explain to your potential lender why and how you ended up with that score.

Many lenders understand that some life events can hold you back financially. Use the information in your credit file to explain your circumstances and to convince your lender that you are still capable of making payments despite certain financial setbacks in the past. So, grab that file and use it to have a better negotiation with your lenders. Get the loan product and loan arrangement that could help you get away debt-free after the repayment term.

You want to get rid of debts:

If you wait for a longer period to deal with your debts, it may get out of hand. Debt consolidation is advisable for those who are awaiting a crisis if they don’t eliminate the debts. It is true that bad credit is a huge issue in taking the loan. But, if you choose the right lender you can get access to the much-needed consolidation loan without making your credit score an issue.

Let’s say you have previous debts under five different lenders. Now instead of paying monthly instalments to each of them, you will get a consolidation loan pay the instalments to that new lender. The main purpose of taking the loan is to save money by eliminating all those debts with a higher interest rate in exchange for a bad credit debt consolidation loan with a lower interest rate.

Present valuable collateral:

Do you have a new car, boat, home or any pricey asset that the lender can sell or liquidate in the vent you default on payments? If you want quick approval loans, secure your consolidation loan with a pricey asset. Lenders no longer bother to look at your credit score when you secure the loan. They may also give you affordable interest rates which are comparable to the rates offered by banks. In fact, you may get around 14% APR or lower with good security.

You have a good repayment plan in mind:

While this is not a requirement per se, it is advisable to have a plan before you apply for a loan.

Some debt consolidation companies offer their services to borrowers who are struggling with debts. But, you can do it yourself. In fact, if you have a sound debt repayment plan in mind, you simply need to apply for a loan to consolidate your other smaller loans, and you can repay it within the allotted time frame.

Debt consolidation is only a suitable option for those who want to end up with more cash at hand at the end of the month, and with lesser debts to pay off. It is because there are many people who tried to consolidate their loans but ended up with more debts because they have chosen a poor debt structure and they don’t have a sound debt repayment plan in mind.

So, here are some questions to ask yourself before planning to consolidate your loans:

  1. Do I have the discipline to avoid using my existing credit cards the moment I paid them off with my consolidation loan?
  2. Can I stick with my debt repayment plan so that I will not end up with more debts in the process?
  3. What will I do to increase my income?

A loan is a loan-regardless of its type. That means you have to pay it back. Make sure that you use the proceeds of the consolidation loans wisely, not only to repay all your high interest and smaller debts, but to improve your financial life as well.


Variable-Based Tips On How To Manage Your Debt

If you’re planning to get a new loan, but you’re not sure if you can repay it on time, here are tips on how to effectively manage your debt, based on 2 financial variables.

Financial success does not depend on the amount of money you have but on specific strategies that apply to your situation. Whether you will use the funds for personal or business purposes-increasing your cash flow is still vital to a successful debt management plan. Debts may increase or decreases depending on your strategy, in the same way as your spending habits influence your cash flow.

You cannot just say that you are going to pay back your debts without some detailed strategy.

The first thing that you can do to manage your debt is to improve the variables that eventually determine your financial capacity to repay. Improving these 3 variables about your debts you will increase cash flow and pay off your debts and improve your finances.


How much is your after-tax net income? What about your after-debt repayment income? When computing your free-money, look into your debt to income ratio first.

Your debt income ratio refers to a certain percentage of your monthly gross income that you use to pay debts. It has two classifications: The front-end ratio, or the percentage of income you use to pay for your mortgage, rent, property taxes and other similar housing costs. Second, the back-end ratio, which is the percentage of your income that you pay for all your personal loan and credit card payments and other recurring debt payments, including those covered by the front-end ratio. As long as it is recurring debt, it is still covered by the back-end ratio.

To calculate your debt-to-income ratio, add up all your monthly debt payments. Divide that number by your current monthly income. Get the percentage by multiplying the result by 100. Let’s say if you spend $1000 each month on debt and have a monthly income of $4,000, your debt to income ratio would be 25%.

Increasing your income and at the same time paying your debts can help you lower your debt to income ratio, giving you higher free cash for your other needs. You can also increase your debt payment to quickly pay off your debts until you achieve a zero-debt ratio.

Financial satisfaction

Are you satisfied with your present financial situation? Or, do you find it difficult to meet your monthly payments on your bills?

How much money is enough and well-enough for you? What might be enough to pay all your debts may not be well enough to sustain your lifestyle, pay for your emergency and daily needs and invest for the future. Or, it could be sufficient for you as long as you plan your budget wisely.  Decide how much might be enough for you and your family if you have one to know what number you should definitely try to reach.

Discover more tips on how to manage your debt by talking to our in-house loan experts at Australian Lending Centre today!

Debt Management

The Wrong Ways to Pay Off Your Debt

Being in debt can be stressful, no one denies that. And the pressure can place you in a range of challenging positions, forcing you to cave in and make the wrong financial decisions. Embracing the right ways to pay off your debt is more than mandatory.

But how do you know which are those? Well, you must get acquainted with the practices that should be avoided, and this is what we’re going to discuss in today’s article. Keep on reading to discover the wrong ways to pay off your debt.

Consolidate with a high-interest loan

Debt consolidation makes sense when the financing solution provided by the lender is actually favourable. If the loan terms are convenient for your financial situation, you should go for it. Nonetheless, choosing debt consolidation for the wrong reason and failing to analyse the implications of the term will do you more harm than good.

In the case in which the only loan you can obtain has an interest rate that is higher than your credit card debt, you should leave it aside.

At first, you may believe that your monthly repayments appear lower with debt settlement. Nonetheless, that is only because the loan has an extended timeframe. If you were to calculate the interest you’d end up paying during the life span of the loan, you might come to realise that such a solution is not the best. So, this is definitely one of the wrong ways to pay off your debt.

Misusing your home equity loan

The second on our list of one of the worst ways to pay off your debt: choosing a home equity loan. Even though you may assume that this could be the answer to all your problems, this is not always the case. Of course, there are many situations in which this option actually works. As always, everything depends on each person’s financial conditions.

However, if you’re struggling with high-interest credit card debt, you should pinpoint the root of the problem. For example, your debt situation might be a result of reckless spending and poor money management skills. If you don’t aim at solving the problem from its root, you are prone to end up in this exact scenario in a year or two. So, it goes without saying that a home equity loan won’t work as long as you don’t fix the underlying issue. In the case in which the loan ends up being unaffordable, you might lose your home as well.

Choosing the support of a debt settlement company

Accepting the guidance of a debt settlement company is, without a doubt, one of the most unfavourable ways to pay off your debt. As it is expected, these kinds of businesses advertise as being the solution to everybody’s money related problems. Nonetheless, after you manage to settle your debts, by paying significantly less than you owed, your credit rating is terrible, and you’re back where you started. Not to mention that we’re talking about a lengthy process. Even if your attempt is successful, you’ll have to work on rebuilding your credit score for years.

So, try to stay away from the methods mentioned above. There are other ways to pay off your debt without affecting your credit score in the process. Speak with a financial expert like Australian Lending Centre who offers free consultations on paying off debts and managing people’s finances.Save

Debt Consolidation

When Is a Debt Consolidation Loan Feasible?

Debt consolidation loans are meant to pack multiple small loans into one that is more manageable. It is one of the most common forms of debt relief. However, not many people seem to know when a debt consolidation loan is feasible.

There are some things you must take into consideration when you’re tempted to amass your loans into one.

So when is a debt consolidation loan feasible?

  1. When you pay extremely high-interest rates

Credit cards, usually, have the highest interest rates. When you need to pay a lot of interest, the debt is growing at an alarming pace, faster than you can repay it. Debt consolidation loans, on the other hand, might offer you better interest rates altogether. If you pay more than you can afford in interest, you should definitely consider a consolidation loan.

  1. An endless number of bills

Getting tons of bills can make it so easy to forget to pay a certain debt. You simply cannot keep track of everything. A consolidation loan is feasible if you’re in such a situation since you’ll be receiving just one bill until you’ve dissolved your debt. This will automatically lead to better management of your time and money.

  1. When the loan is unsecured

If a loan is “unsecured,” it means that it is not attached to any of your assets, like your house and car. Secured ones are certainly not a good idea because if you fail to repay the debt, you could get homeless or devoid of the asset you’ve secured the loan on. Try to stay away from secured loans at all times. It’s just better to find another way to pay your debt without risking your house as collateral.

  1. When you’re willing to repay for a longer time

Debt consolidation loans allow you to pay less than you paid on your previous debts, but that means that the repayment is going to take longer. Are you willing to do that? This can be a hassle for some people who want to get it over with as fast as possible. Still, if you have no problem with that, then you should consider taking such a loan.

  1. When you don’t end up paying more interest

Yes, it is possible to end up paying more interest on a consolidation debt than you would’ve paid for all the other separate loans. Surely, that will impact your credit score if you fail to pay. And before you know it, your credit rating will be so damaged that you will find it even harder to get another loan in the future.

Debt consolidation loans can truly be a great help, but you must know when you need them. Moreover, there are many other aspects that come into play, like the ones mentioned above. So, review your situation thoroughly before you take such a debt consolidation loan because it can have disastrous consequences if you go for it lightheartedly.


Debt Management

Tips for Erasing Debt

Feeling discouraged and overwhelmed by debt is a feeling that many Australians experience. And things don’t get by any chance easier when you want to make ends meet, and your income is limited. Unfortunately, there’s always the temptation of agreeing to high-interest loans, assuming that it’s a temporary solution. But, in the long term, making rushed financial decisions will jeopardise your chances of accumulating savings. So, if your question is how to erase debt, keep on reading.

Prioritise your payment plan

Considering that you have limited income, you should start by prioritising your expenses. Bear in mind that necessities such as utilities, unpaid federal taxes, student loans and others should be in your focus. As for credit card debt, this is a common concern for many Aussies as well.

First of all, target the card that has the highest interest, and focus on that if your debt enables you. But, most importantly, you should start budgeting and distinguishing between urgent debt and the debt that can wait.

Consider Debt Negotiation

Our next tip on how to erase debt is to embrace debt negotiation. Of course, you know how much you owe your creditors. But it wouldn’t kill you to try discussing with them about lowering the interest rate. Many times, lenders are more than willing to negotiate; it’s up to you to try.

Factor in debt consolidation

Taking on debt consolidation can be the right strategy if you have multiple credit cards and loan bills that confuse you. Instead of having numerous bills and payments on your mind, you could pay a single, tidy bill.

The most considerable advantage to debt consolidation is that, if you have fewer creditors to pay, you’ll manage to make repayments in time. That is crucial for improving your credit score. Plus, it might simplify your finances, on the whole.

There are cases in which lenders or brokers provide you with attractive interest rates. Nonetheless, do bear in mind that if you’re paying less than the total amount of bills combined, you might have exceeded the repayment timeframe. Make sure you don’t agree to that unless it’s what you want.

So, debt consolidation can be the answer to how to erase debt.

Avoid taking on other loans

Did it ever occur to you that the reason why you’re in debt is that you depend on credit cards on a regular basis? So, if you want to learn how to erase debt, it makes sense to analyse your spending habits and see where most of your finances go. If you reckon that your weakness is utilising credit cards on a whim, you should acknowledge the downsides of such cards and try to address the problem.

We hope that you found our tips on how to erase debt handy. Bear in mind that after you have managed to become debt-free, you should be mindful so that this doesn’t change overnight. One thing is for sure: debt can be managed even with limited income, it is up to you to embrace the right tactics.Save

Debt Consolidation

Questions You’ve Had about Consolidating Debt But Haven’t Asked

Debt consolidation is regarded with kind eyes by many Aussies and often described as a solution to all of your problems. Just like the name says, debt consolidation refers to putting all of your debts together, in order to keep track of your payments easier. But perhaps you have questions about consolidating debt. Maybe you are unsure how it works and confused about how you can save money by choosing this finance option.

In this article, we reveal all!

Is Debt Consolidation the Right Choice for You?

If you’re making multiple payments per month, then you know by now that each comes with different interest rates and fees. In this case, yes, debt consolidation is the right call. Also, by consolidating your loans, you will always have to make one monthly payment, instead of sending money to a number of lenders.

Here are the top 6 questions about consolidating debt:

  1. Can I combine my home loan with my personal loan?

Consolidation allows you to combine all of your loans into a single one, regardless of their type. Keeping track of your home loan, car loan, personal loan and so on can be tiring. This is a time-saving solution.

  1. How will consolidation benefit my expenses?

Some loans have bigger interest rates than others. By combining them, you will have a fixed rate that you’ll pay monthly. This way, you’ll know exactly the amount you’ll have to repay, without also having to deal with various taxes and fees that accompany each loan.

  1. Am I eligible for consolidation?

Everybody can choose to consolidate their debt. Still, check with your lender and see if your home loan allows you this option. If not, try to change the features or simply look into a refinancing that incorporates debt consolidation.

  1. Is it better to pay my car loan in 30 years?

When you combine all your loans, you can choose to prolong the payments, in order to fit your home loan. Unfortunately, even though your rates will be lowered considerably, the interest fees will expand due to dividing the car loan for example, over a period of 30 years. You can adjust the debt consolidation to fit your needs.

  1. Should I consolidate if I have bad credit?

This is actually the main reason why people consolidate their debts. Debt consolidation tells lenders that you have placed your affairs in order and are serious about improving your financial situation. Also, it will enhance your credit score.

  1. How can the equity in my home help?

Through debt consolidation, the equity in your home can reduce significantly the interest rates you’re paying each month. Being a secured line of credit, a home equity loan will use the equity in your home as collateral, which can lead to a fixed and smaller interest rate.

If you’re having financial problems and can’t afford to pay back all your loans, expanding the loans over a longer period of time will help you get back on your feet by paying less each month. So, talk to your lender about this option.

Debt Consolidation

Are You Falling for these Debt Consolidation Traps?

Do you feel burdened by several credit card debts and other outstanding loans and you think debt consolidation could provide some serious relief? Debt consolidation is a new loan that allows you to pay off your multiple balances in one monthly payment. It doesn’t erase all your debts but simply makes it easier for you to repay. So, if you want to have a clean slate for keeps, make sure that you don’t fall into these debt consolidation traps:

Ignoring the cause of your debt problems.

Debt consolidation helps people manage the repercussions of bad debts. But it is just a temporary solution to your problem. Addressing the root cause of your debts, such as your lifestyle, money-management issues and other related things can help you analyze why you sunk in debt and how you can get out of it.

It is important to ask yourself, “What got me into a pile of debt?” Remember that it takes a while before debts become unmanageable. It is almost impossible to come up with a quick solution to internal debt issues when you fail to see where and how it started.

Debts did not grow overnight so unless you come up with a concrete idea with what got you into a financial mess, the same situation is likely to repeat itself.

Australian Lending Centre has in-house professionals to help you in retracing your financial actions. We can help you with our debt management plan and debt consolidation loans to deal with your present debts as we help you identify your spending habits.

Perhaps you were taking high-interest loans without knowing it or you are not paying your loans right. In other cases, the problem could be as simple as forgetting the due dates or the existence of debts itself.

Not making a proactive effort in searching for the best consolidation loan.

Here are some factors that you need to consider when choosing a loan consolidation program:

    • all of your outstanding debts
    • interest rates
    • lenders’ willingness to negotiate a lower rate
    • consolidation options

Consolidating debts has its own implications. Some lenders offer rates and fees that creep up over time. Others will charge you hefty fees that may put your assets in line in exchange of deceiving interest rates.

Australian Lending Centre gives you different options to pay for your debts. If you want to pay a lump sum to settle all your debts for less than what you actually owe, we can help you do that. You can also talk to us about our debt management program and see whether or not it can work for you. A debt management plan usually involves making an agreement with your creditors to consolidate the full amount of your loans. The negotiation is successful if you get lower interest rates or longer repayment period.

Thinking that you are finally out of debt.

Debt consolidation is still a loan. While you no longer have to deal with angry collection calls and you are not pestered with high-interest credit card bills, you cannot go back to your old habits. One of the big debt consolidation traps is forgetting he your debt problems were caused in the first place. Avoid falling back to maxing out your credit cards once again. Don’t give in to the temptation of charging all of your credit cards with zero balances once again, especially if there is no urgent need to do so.

Bear in mind that you still have a substantial amount of outstanding debt. So, if you cannot close most of your credit cards leave them at home and put only your low-charging credit cards in your wallet for emergencies.

Call us today!

Debt Consolidation

Top Questions to Ask Yourself before Consolidating Your Debt

Debt consolidation is the process that gathers the total amount of your outstanding debts into one single loan. As with any other financial procedures, it may or may not work for you. The key is to know what to look at to ensure that you’ve made the right choice for your personal background. Here are some top questions you should ask before consolidating debt.

  • Can you afford to pay the debt?

First and foremost, you need to evaluate the immediate effects linked to debt consolidation. What impact will it have on your financial situation? Will it help you to manage your finances better or make you lose absolute control of them?

  • What is the primary purpose of the loan?

The first thing you should do is to distinguish between what you want and what you need. Only because you want something really badly, this doesn’t mean you should immediately borrow money for that, unless it is actually relevant. Also, be mindful especially if your loan involves a third party such as a family member or friend in the position of a guarantor.

For this kind of loans, you are held responsible in case of non-payment or defaults. What is more, if you’re considering taking a loan in order to pay your utility bills, you should discuss the matter with your financial provider. He/she will give you an expert insight into the issue.

  • Can you manage to make the repayments?

This is one of the most important questions to ask when looking at consolidating debt. You should make sure that taking up a loan is the right choice for you. Also, see if you can manage to make the repayments in your current financial scenario. If you anticipate that you can work on diminishing your monthly expenditure, we recommend you to do that before actually seeking to take another loan.

It’s also highly recommended to factor in possible interest rate increases, and unprecedented changes in your circumstances and budget.

  • How does your credit report look?

Note that credit providers will always evaluate your credit file in order to appraise your capacity of repaying the sum within a given timeframe. Considering that you can obtain a copy of your credit report free of charge, you should do that in advance, to ensure that there aren’t any mistakes.

It may seem like common sense, but you should bear in mind that debt consolidation is still debt, and you should treat it as such. It is a decision that can be really helpful to numerous individuals, but it requires a lot of thought. So, the verdict is entirely up to you, your budget and personal specifications. Make sure you establish a financial goal and craft a realistic schedule for paying off your debt. Sometimes, we ought to embrace a range of changes to diminish debt, and this applies in all cases.

Bear in mind that each situation is distinct, and you can always discuss with a financial consultant before making a call. After weighing the pros and cons related to debt consolidation, you’ll be sure that you’ve made the right decision.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation loans and the future of personal finance

Banking is evolving to meet the needs of a more technologically savvy customer base. One finance type leading this trend is debt consolidation personal finance. Non-bank lenders are offering many of the same services as big banks and also offering those services in handy mobile applications on smartphones. Many large institutions are beginning to realize that they must become as fast and available online as the smaller lenders.

Debt Consolidation Personal Finance online

Even something as common as consolidating multiple debts into one monthly payment with lower interest rates and easier payment terms is becoming something that can be done online without having to physically go in and speak with a financial advisor.

Modern banking is done more and moreover the Internet and through mobile applications and this is great for both the lender and the consumer. The consumer has many more options at their fingertips like alternative lending that is based on their social media profiles as well as their bank statements. Peer-to-peer lending has also become more popular now with a person’s access to thousands of individuals who are able to lend or a group of people who are willing to come together and lend small amounts of money to persons or businesses in need of capital.

Having more options for ways to get capital means that individuals and small businesses can reach out to a variety of lenders to get the funds they need. If someone needs to consolidate their debts into one and have the repayments lowered due to lower interest rates, they will also have the added benefit of being able to negotiate the repayment period to whenever it is most convenient. Non-traditional lenders have taken to new technology very quickly and the big banks are just starting to catch up.

The future of banking like mortgage loans to debt consolidation loans in Australia is going to be online and performed through non-human avatars that are battling to give the consumer the lowest possible rates and the most competitive options. The public will be the ones to benefit in the future of banking by having more options online and also having the added benefit of not having to pay for extra service fees. The new banking systems in the future will have to offer rock bottom cost and top quality services because of the competition.

Debt consolidation loans are the type of loan that is on high demand in Australia since most people have multiple debts and they find it hard to make punctual payments. Non-bank lenders that offer debt consolidation loans attract the majority of customers due to their presence online. Australian Lending Centre is the leading debt consolidation loan provider in Australia, extending their helping hand across the country. So fill in the quick enquiry form to apply for a debt consolidation loan online and one of the friendly financial experts at Australian Lending Centre will be in touch to help approve your loan as soon as possible.

Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation Bad Credit Loans

Unfortunately, many Australians who are overwhelmed by their debts can find themselves missing some of their monthly payments. This can lead to your credit score taking a big hit. If you have multiple debts and a bad credit history then you could lose financial control before you know it. Fortunately,  debt consolidation bad credit loans are a possible solution for many. Giving you the option to not only save thousands but also to build your credit score back up!

Traditional banks are highly unlikely to take a risk on granting finance to somebody with a poor credit history. This is where Australian Lending Centre can help. Through our debt consolidation bad credit loans, we can help you get back in control of your finances. Even if you have a bad credit rating or a limited credit history, Australian Lending Centre is here to help you.

How do Debt Consolidation Bad Credit Loans Work?

Bad credit debt consolidation loans work in the same way as regular debt consolidation. Essentially these loans allow people with a bad credit score to consolidate their debts into one, easy to manage loan.

This means that instead of paying multiple credit repayments each month, an individual with bad credit can simply pay one monthly repayment, giving them more financial control and a heightened ability to pay back their debts. Even better, with debt consolidation bad credit loans you could secure a lower interest rate than the combined rates of your current debts, which could save you hundreds of dollars each month.

Debt Consolidation Bad Credit Loans with Low Interest Rates

If you have a bad credit rating, debt consolidation bad credit loans could help you pay off your debts at a lower interest rate. This could not only save you money but also reduce the risk of defaulting on your payments.

Let’s look at an example. If you are paying off multiple debts, the chances are that a few of those debts will be from credit cards. Credit cards have higher interest rates than most other loans, and these rates become even higher when you miss a payment. In addition to this, each of your creditors may charge a fee for missing a payment or for other reasons. With all of these extra payments and high-interest rates, you may find yourself paying far more than you need to be.

The solution? Debt consolidation bad credit loans can help you clear high-interest debts such as credit cards and enable you to take control of your finance. After clearing your debts with your debt consolidation bad credit loan, you can repay your new loan at a lower interest rate.

Rebuilding your Credit Rating Through Debt Consolidation

Clearing multiple debts with a bad credit debt consolidation loan could help improve your credit rating, as you will have a lower risk of multiple defaults and have less unpaid debts to your name. Even better, successfully paying off your bad credit debt consolidation loan could help rebuild your credit rating, giving you more financial freedom in the future.

You don’t need to struggle with multiple debts. Call Australian Lending Centre today on 300 138 188 or fill out our Express Enquiry form, and find out your financial options.

Debt Consolidation

Should I Consider Debt Consolidation?

Consider Debt Consolidation?

A lot of consumers are confused about debt consolidation. Most assume that debt consolidation is only necessary when you’re living pay cheque to pay cheque or you’re facing bankruptcy. The fact of the matter is that anyone can benefit from debt consolidation and they don’t have to be underwater to do so. In fact, taking advantage of debt consolidation before your bills get out of hand can actually prevent further damage to your credit file.

What is Debt Consolidation?

Debt consolidation combines multiple loans and credit cards into a single loan and payment. You do so by applying for a new loan through a debt consolidation specialist and using that loan to pay off your current debts. Then, you repay the single loan to the lender.

Not all debts can be consolidated. Debt consolidation loans are meant for credit cards, some medical expenses, store credit cards and personal loans. Your home loan or business loan cannot be placed into debt consolidation.

Debt Consolidation Business Consolidation Loans

Why Consolidate Debt?

For people who are suffering from financial stress, a loan for debt consolidation may be the perfect solution.  A debt consolidation loan can offer the financial help required and also prevent serious situations like bankruptcy, lost assets and garnishments.

Australian Lending Centre offers a variety of plans to help you combine your debts into a single debt consolidation loan with one weekly/fortnightly/monthly payment.  Debt consolidation, as the name suggests, allows you to repay all of your existing debts whilst combining the entire debt into a single loan.  This means that you only need to focus on repaying one lender, apposed to multiple creditors.

Our consolidation loans offer the industry’s most competitive interest rates; if we can’t save you money we won’t give you a consolidation loan.  However, we will share some smart financial tips on how to get out of debt or achieve your financial goals faster and have everything ready for you to move ahead quickly the moment a debt consolidation solution is the most viable option to save you money.

We can show you how to roll all your debts including credit card debt, personal loans, car loan, not to mention your home loan, into one easy monthly repayment for your debt consolidation loan.  We are committed to assisting you to find a fast and easy solution to your current credit card debt crisis. Credit card consolidation is often one of the main reasons for people to seek a debt consolidation loan.

Take for example a credit card debt of $5,000.  If you pay the minimum repayment of say, 2% of the balance, it could take you 3 years to pay it off and you could pay up to $15,000 of interest.  With debt consolidation from the Australian Lending Centre, you could pay this $5,000 back in 2 years with as little as $50 per week, with interest charges in the low hundreds instead of thousands of dollars.

In conclusion, a debt consolidation loan has 3 major benefits:

1. Save Money

A debt consolidation loan helps you to save money by reducing the amount of interest you pay. Many credit cards available in the market can charge interest in excess of 18%.  The Australian Lending Centre can help you consolidate credit cards with an interest rate as low as 5.16%, saving you a huge amount of money that you can put to better use.

2. Reduce Repayment Periods

With a debt consolidation loan, you can get out of debt faster by paying a much lower rate of interest as put simply, there will be less to pay back and possibly more disposable income to pay it down faster.

3. Save Time

When you consolidate debt with a debt consolidation loan, you only have to make one repayment instead of having to make several payments on credit cards, store cards and personal loans.

We have multiple debt consolidation options, including a debt solution that can freeze your current interest and prevent any further interest and charges accruing.  To find out more, call 1300 138 188 to speak with a debt consolidation consultant today, or fill out an enquiry form to your right and we will contact you shortly.

Debt Consolidation Debt Management

Why Get A Debt Consolidation Loan?

Debt consolidation is a strategy to consider if you have accumulated a large number of multiple debts and you’re starting to wonder how you will pay your bills off. Anyone in this situation, struggling to pay off bills knows how difficult it is to manage everything seamlessly, and missed payments can result in fees, penalty charges and additional high interest, especially from credit cards and payday loans.

If this debt situation sounds familiar to you, it may be time to talk to a professional and to discuss debt consolidation.

Bank Loans

Many large banks have stringent procedures in place with regard to offering people in trouble with additional credit. When this happens, in your particular case, you still have a number of options available to you. Most importantly, don’t panic. There is always a way to overcome debt. Even with a poor credit score.

Debt consolidation loans

There are a number of lenders in the market, that can assist people in financial difficulty caused by numberous loans and debts. At the Australian Lending Centre, we have helped thousands of clients find their way, after they have found themselves in financially challenging positions. This may be due to a incurring bad credit rating, becoming unemployed, experiencing major unexpected expenses such as illness or injury, having a poor financial history or going through through divorce. In unfortunate circumstances like these, it can be difficult to get a loan from the bank, but the Australian Lending Centre is here to help with debt consolidation and debt management.

What is a Debt Consolidation Loan?

A debt consolidation loan is one single loan taken out in order to pay off multiple debts. The right debt consolidation loan will reduce your monthly payments and hopefully the interest rate you are currently paying.

How does a Debt Consolidation Loan work?

A debt agreement provider, such as Australian Lending Centre, will assess your situation to see if they can help you find your way out of financial difficulty. We contact your creditors are contacted and an affordable payment plan is agreed according to your budget, subject to approval from your creditors. You will then enter an agreement to pay one lower and more affordable amount on a regular basis to clear your debts. This is due to the fact that most debt consolidation companies are able to package your existing debts into a lower interest loan.

After you have taken out a debt consolidation loan

If you take out a debt consolidation loan, your debt may become more manageable than it used to be, but you will absolutely need to make regular payments or you could end up in a worse situation. We recommend strongly that you remove the temptation to use your credit cards and other easy forms of credit. One key way to help improve your situation is to truly understand how you ended up here. Our budget planning calculator can help you see where your money is going and help you cut back on unnecessary expenses

Are Consolidation loans always the right solution?

It is important to note that a debt consolidation loan may not necessarily be the right debt solution for you. A professional debt consultant can help you understand all the pros and cons, so you can choose the solution that’s best for you. A less favourable way to get out of debt is bankruptcy. While sometimes, declaring bankruptcy may seem appealing in the short term, in fact, this solution may cause more trouble in the future. You may want to look at various forms of debt management, such as negotiating with your creditors for lower or no interest, reduced debt or more favourable payment terms. Or you might consider a Part 9 Debt Agreement.

Where to get debt help?

If you are finding your debts are out of control, call the Australian Lending Centre on 1300 138 188 to speak to a consultant today. We will discuss the best debt solutions for your unique situation.