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Short Term Holiday Loans

Short Term Holiday Loans

We’re already nearly half way through the year, so there’s a good chance your Christmas break feels like forever ago and your body is definitely back into its old (and perhaps mundane) routing.

Are you tired and weary of the hustle and bustle of your everyday life? Is stress taking so much of your energy on a daily basis? Do you always feel worn out and run-down? You might need to recharge your batteries. There would be no better way to do so than to enjoy a holiday getaway.

 Holiday Loans with Great Rates

All work and no play would surely have to make you not just dull but probably unproductive as well. Experts advise everyone to set at least one time every year for a planned and enjoyable vacation preferable un-interrupted by work. A holiday getaway could be your best escape and rest from the busy and harsh world.

You could use the idle time to replenish your mental, emotional, physical, and psychological being so you could be more energised when you get back to your everyday routine.

The only downside to taking a well-earned break is the costs involved, especially if you’re going somewhere that involves air travel. Don’t stress, consider applying for short term loan to cover the cost of your holiday and have it repaid by the time you get back.  This way you’re able to lock in cheaper flights by booking in advance, pay for your accommodation weeks, or even months in advance so you don’t need to worry about not having somewhere to stay. This is especially helpful when you may not have a few thousand dollars sitting around when you decide to book your holiday, but you know that you’ll easily be able to pay back the loan for the flights and accommodation in the months leading up to your holiday and in some cases you can even pay nothing at all until the end of your loan term which may well be long after you return from your vacation.

If you’re worried about the higher interest rates that are usually associated with short term loans, don’t be. Consider if you put your flights, accommodation and spending on your credit cards which are likely to have an even higher interest rate than a short term loan – your holiday could end up costing you a lot more than you originally intended, which ultimately is going to increase your newly replenished stress level upon your return.

Also look at the advantage of a short term loan apposed to borrowing money for your holiday over a longer period. The first situation is to borrow say $10,000 for a period of 5 years with an interest rate of 7%.  At the end of this interest only loan the total interest paid is $3,500.  Now look at situation two, this interest only loan for $10,000 is for a loan term of 6 months with an interest rate of 16%.  At the end of this loan period the total interest paid is only $800.  So in short, even though the interest rate is more than twice the lower rate, you’re actually not repaying much interest at all.

To learn more about a short term loan for your next holiday, contact Australian Lending Centre today on 1300 138 188 or simply complete an Enquiry Form to your right and a loan consultant will contact you shortly.

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