Online shopping has become a convenient and easy way to buy what you want when you want.. Crazy bargains, heavy discounts, fast delivery, and convenience are only some of the reasons why people are shopping online. With all these ‘crazy’ bargains we are seeing an influx of people overspending. Consumers are buying anything and everything. Now – this is not necessarily bad; but if you find yourself turning into an online shopaholic, it may be time to start thinking about how you can save money when online shopping.
Here are some of the ways to save money when online shopping
Be quick or have patience
Have you hopped on to an online retailer to see the entire page full of Sales? You quickly find a nice pair of shoes. They are reduced by 15%, oh and they only have one more in stock. Luckily it’s your size. You cannot miss out? Can you? You add the shoes to your cart and away we go.
Finding a bargain can well and truly save you money, but sometimes, you’re really just falling for digital psychology – yes this is a thing! Rather than buying with your emotion, stop, take your time and assess whether you need the item or not. If you really do need them and they are cheaper than competitors then go ahead. If however, you wait, you may see a further discount online. This discount may come later on through an email notification so don’t forget to register for their email notifications and then wait.
Search for coupons and use them prudently
The majority of people now are aware of registering to receive the seller’s email promotions. In saying so there are still a variety of online coupon providers such as Groupon that can help you save that extra cash. Search online for online coupons and use them at your disposal. Sometimes you may even be able to combine multiple discount codes. Win-Win.
Find the right days
Most companies have conducted their research into when shoppers are most likely to purchase. It is on those days that they will offer brains to draw customers in. For example, research suggests that the best time to buy clothing online is a Monday. Shoppers may save anywhere up to 50% on pants. Using that to your own advantage can be helpful. Buying your stuff on the right day will help you save. All it takes is a little research and patience.
Showcase your loyalty
Register for loyalty reward programs if you are a frequent shopper of a particular site. Your reward points on discounts and gifts will accumulate as you purchase your products. However, avoid going overboard when purchasing products to accumulate the points. The last thing that you want to do is buy something only for the sake of accumulating points. Save them and use them when you really need to.
Utilise social media
For the quickest and easiest way to catch a bargain, make sure you follow your preferred online shopping sites on social media platforms. Press the like icon on their Facebook page, start following influencers on Instagram and get on board their Twitter page. This is the easiest and greatest way to find out when products are on special. There are always giveaways and discount codes that get are available online.
Avoid overpaying on shipping
Thousands of companies allow you to jump the shipping fee if you buy goods worth a certain amount. Rather than making single purchases, consider creating a list of stuff that you need and order then all at once. When shopping online, look for websites that offer free shipping and whatever you do stay away from express shipping – unless you really need to.
Try to outwit dynamic pricing
A smart way to save money when online shopping is to take advantage of dynamic pricing. Dynamic prices can be defined as a fluctuating price that is shown to consumers depending on various factors. These factors can include location, spending habits, current demand, and browsing history.
For example, if you’re shopping for an airline ticket, you may notice the price will change. You may have paid $500 for your first flight but when you check back on a different browser or your friend’s phone, the price has increased or decreased. There are two ways in which you can outwit the dynamic pricing.
- Clear browsing history and cookies. This will make you appear like a new client on the site
- Sign out all your account and use incognito mode to browse anonymously
Final word on online shopping
Use these tips to save some cash on all online purchases you make. That can be via discounts, cash-back sites, smart tactics, shopping vouchers, and coupons. Above all avoid using buy now pay later services such as Afterpay. These services can lead you to a pit of debt.